My Favorite Flowers: A Post by Facilities Manager

This is a guest post by my dear husband Facilities Manager David:

The second-best benefit of living at Chickadee Gardens is the wonderful, colorful flowers that come and go throughout the seasons. The best thing is, of course, sharing the gardens with Tamara. But that is a post of another day. For now, let's take a look at some of my favorite flowers from recent months.

All of these photos were taken on my Blackberry KEY1 LE mobile phone. Yes, it features a tiny, physical keyboard. I am QWERTY that way. I am old-school. So be it.

Papaver rhoeas
I have to hand it to these poppies. Normally, poppies are much too fragile to be around very long, but this bunch weathered some 3.5 inches of rain in June. And they continue to thrive. They just seem so happy in the sunshine. 

Tulipa praestans 'Shogun'
These tulips came in early this Spring. Just when we needed some bright highlights in the gardens, up they popped. They are shorties, but oh so pretty.

 Tulipa Darwin hybrid mix
I am not sure if "varigated" is the correct word, but it reminds of those spinning-paint booths I enjoyed at county fairs in Idaho. Again, some bright, happy flowers.

 Ipheion uniflorum
So delicate and tiny. These fellows danced in the breeze one day as I wandered by.

Tulipa 'Sensual Touch'
Ooo, a real favorite. Our dear friends in Holland send us tulip bulbs every Fall. This is one of theirs. I watched this ball of orangeness swell and swell and then gently unfold over two weeks. I must have 50 pictures of this beauty. Thanks to Stella and Walker. Danke Veld!

 Apple blossoms! Of course in our orchard. The tree is now loaded with little green applettes and we look forward to enjoying their tart taste in a few weeks. 

 Lupinus 'My Castle'
Sweet lupine, take me away. As a hiker and guy who likes the forest, lupines are a big hit with me. I am so happy Tamara enjoys these as well. 

 Eschscholzia californica 'Alba'
What a dear, little poppy. The perfect color on a lovely evening. 

 Halimium pauanum
Kaboom! I am yellow. I am proud. I am showing the way. Haha, I am not sure what this flower may be but I like it. Some ground-level spots of sunshine, for sure.

Cistus 'Blanche'
I just love this flower. I timed the lighting perfectly to really show the folds and sweet center of this flower. Tamara says they don't last more than a day or two. Sad, but I am pleased I have this to share.

 Tamara says these lupines were unexpected and popped out in an unusual color combination. It may not exist anywhere else in nature, but it lines our driveway. Love them lupines!

Calendula 'Radio'
Peppy orange flowers along one side of our veggie garden box. I nearly mowed these one day before they bloomed. Wow, I am so glad I did not do so. What a pleasure to see these as I roar by cutting the grass. 

 Geranium 'Rozeanne'
These shade-loving little beauties are taking over the area near Tamara's blue shed. There are at least 6 billion of them. Haha, not really. I like to feel them on my bare legs when I walk along their path. 

Papaver 'Coral Reef'
One weird, pink poppy. I caught it in a half-bloom state. The next day it was Big Pink. 

 Nigella damascena
I am unsure what planet this flower (?) came from. Just bizarre enough to earn a mention. I believe the fuzzy green bulb in the upper left corner is what it looks like before it opens. 

 Dierama dracomontanum
These tall, skinny flowers just opened the other day. What marvelous color. 

Helenium 'Mardi Gras'
This is the new background on my cell phone. How could it not be? I admit. I like yellows and oranges. These guys scream Summertime to me!

A nasturtium cross from several self-sown plants in the veggie garden. This pretty bunch is safe-guarding our pumpkin patch. And, look, a fly. I did not see that until just now. Well, beauty has many fans, right?

 Here is a real flower, Bengalis annibinus! She turned five years old the other day. Plus, she has spots!

And my dear boy Hobbes, who is asking me: "Dad, where's the fish?" 

You know, almost every single photograph of a flower I take is taken when I am walking Hobbes and Annie each day several times a day. So I have something to do other than watch Annie stare at tall grass or Hobbes sniff around. I seek the little happy spots of color and form in this our beautiful property. I believe flowers (and kitties) make the world a better place. 

Thank you for your attention. Stop and smell a flower sometime, eh? And take a photo if you can. Meantime, stay safe, be well and happy gardening.

Facilities Manager


  1. Most excellent guest post, birthday-twin! : )

    1. FM: Happy Birthday, Same Day! Thanks for enjoying it! Tamara makes it easy to love me some flowers!

  2. I can tell you like those hot colors. So good to read/see what the other half of this mighty gardening team likes about the garden. Sweet kitties too.

    1. FM: Thanks, Lisa. Even though I do most of the heavy work and repair stuff, I do celebrate the results. Been a long four years here, but wow what a wonderful world in which to live.

  3. Lovely selections one and all! While my favorite photos are those of Annie and Hobbes, I think you did a great job capturing all you favorite blooms as well. I'd be very happy if tulips and poppies would grow as well in my garden (or at all in the case of the fancy tulips).

    1. FM: Hi, Kris. Oh, the kitties are the cause. If not out supervising their walks four times a day, well, no flower pix. So I give the furry tandem all the credit. Thank you.

  4. Very impressed by the photos your phone takes. The colours are so intense and saturated with lots of detail. Can't believe you two have done all of the landscaping in only four years. Makes me feel lazy.

    1. FM: Many thanks, luv2. I look at the work and I just want to take a nap!

  5. Hobbes looks like he was caught red-pawed!

    David you have great flower taste and now you've got me wondering what Andrew would pick as his favorite plants in our garden, yes we'd have to go with plants as I don't have that many flowers for him to chose from. And btw I sort of laugh/snorted my coffee with that remark about the paint spinners at the fair. Spot on!

    1. FM: Thanks, Danger! That Hobbes, he is a bad boy. Thanks for your comment. I enjoy Tamara's hard work every day. Even the tiny, beautiful flowers.

  6. Great post FM! I love the picture of both kitties..great captures! You've choosen some lovely blooms to focus on. What I really like is how you explain some of your reasons for picking them and they are based on fond memories or people. That's incredibly sweet. Cheers! Jenni

    1. FM: Thanks, Jenni. You are too kind. I wish Annie did not look upset in that photo, but it was to illustrate her spots. She so cute!

  7. Kitties and flowers - the perfect combination for a good day in the garden. Thanks for the flowers pictures - they are wonderful.

    1. FM: Thank you, Barbara. Life is good in the garden!

  8. I live in Texas and our state flower is the bluebonnet, official name, lupinus texensis. They look similar to the blue lupine you posted. In a good year there are vast fields of bluebonnets that people love to photograph.

    1. FM here: Thank you for the comment, we'll think of you the next time we see it bloom! Note from Tamara - you know, I had a packet of Texas wildflower seeds I got at the Austin Garden Blogger's Fling and I bet it came from those. Could it be a bluebonnet? Thanks!


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